Registration tmp

For each accepted contribution, at least one of the authors is required to register for the conference and present the paper. 

Registration fees:

  • Senior, early (until August 2, 2023): € 320
  • Senior, late (until September 4, 2023): € 390 
  • Junior, early (until August 2, 2023): € 250
  • Junior, late (until September 4, 2023): € 320

Seniors: faculty members (professors and researchers).
Juniors: non-faculty members (PhD students, post-docs, etc).

Every registration fee includes admission to the conference, coffee breaks, lunches, social dinner, and EATCS membership. The EATCS membership fee is 45€ and it includes one year membership for EATCS and one year membership for the Italian Chapter of the EATCS. 

The cost of the social dinner for any accompanying persons is € 50 (to be paid on site)

To register, proceed following the steps below:

1. Make a bank transfer, for the amount of your corresponding registration fee, to :

  • Bank account holder: Università degli Studi di Palermo
  • IBAN: IT 09 A 02008 04682 000300004577
  • ABI code: 02008
  • CAB code: 04682
  • Bank account number: 000300004577
  • Bank Name: UNICREDIT SPA
  • Address: VIA ROMA 185, 90133 PALERMO
  • Payment reason: [Last name], ICTCS 2023 – DMI Palermo.

2. Fill out the registration form. Note that you are required to attach the bank transfer receipt.